Love Makes Families

Love Makes Families
A family of 8 due to the blessing of adoption!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Prayer Request :)

“My friends, adoption is redemption. It’s costly, exhausting, expensive, and outrageous. Buying back lives costs so much. When God set out to redeem us, it killed Him.”

– Derek Loux

Adoption is HARD. 
Adoption is EXPENSIVE.
Adoption is EXHAUSTING.
Adoption is DRAMATIC.
Adoption is WORTH IT.

These children are/were in the same place as my Adam.....
Want to guess how old she is????

She is 9 YEARS old!!!!
Look what love can do.... 1 year home on left and months home in other photos.

Would you like to guess how old this little man is?? 

He is 5 YEARS old!! Look at him now though... LESS than 1 year home!!!
 Celebrating his first birthday with a family and loving it!!!
 How old would you think this little one is???
 I could be wrong, but I think she is 9
Can you see a difference?? I can. I think this is only 1 month home!!

How old do you think this treasure is?? She is in a crib and these are smaller than normal cribs too.
She is 15 YEARS old!!!!
Look what love can do!!!
A Daddy of her very own!!

Help..... let me out of here.... Why are they left to suffer?? We can make a difference. If not us, then who?

 Does he look like he is in pain to you?? He probably is.... Hi legs are stuck in this position due to neglect and abuse :( He has a momma working hard to bring him home!!
 Why do they let them suffer? Their heads are so large that I cannot even imagine the pain they are in.
 What an angel :)

 I pray for these children each and every day and night.
I love them all.... Sadly, there are millions more in this bad of shape or worse.
These kids are treasures.
It is my opinion that God only chooses the strongest spirits to endure this life.
A weaker person would not survive as long as these children.

I ask you to join me in praying for these children. Pray whenever you can.... While waiting at a red light, while in line at the store, in the shower.... Whenever we can.
Prayer has been a HUGE support during our adoption.
Please pray that the families can be willing to work hard and that the funds come in.
Pray for our hearts and many of us hold our children then have to leave them for Months before we can bring them home.
Pray for all the families that have children stuck in Ru$$i@. Pray that the ban will be lifted and we can get these children home.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers.

Here are a few pics of my 6 YEAR old boys.

Thank you for all your love and support!!

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