Love Makes Families

Love Makes Families
A family of 8 due to the blessing of adoption!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Alyssa.. My little helper

I was getting everyone dressed and ready to take Kait to school this morning. I had everyones socks and shoes on except for mine. Alyssa went to the shoe closet while I was doing Kait's hair. She said you need socks, shoes (she talks very well for 2.... she has been using full sentences since about 12 months old). I told her my socks and shoes were in my bedroom and that I would get them, but I didn't need to. This was what I saw when I got up to put the hair stuff away. Notice she even has socks. She is the best little helper this mommy could ever ask for. She even likes to clean!!

We will start to opening bid at...... I know everyone would love a kid just like her, but sorry she is mine. I wouldn't trade her for anything :D

More pictures of Alyssa helping that I had to share. She cleaned her left over birthday cake off the counter.
The she got a towel out of the drawer and cleaned herself up..... She noticed that she had been caught ;)

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